Baromètre mondial de partage social des contenus muséaux / 10 – 16 juin 2013 (Museum Analytics)

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Temps de lecture : 3 min

Chaque semaine, le site du Clic France publie le baromètre mondial de la diffusion sur les réseaux sociaux des contenus muséaux établi par Museum Analytics. La semaine dernière, le Musée du Louvre a occupé la première du top 10 des contenus muséaux les plus relayés sur facebook dans le Monde mais aucun musée français n’est apparu dans le Top 10 des messages sur twitter. 


Contenus muséaux les plus “partagés” sur Facebook

9 158 Musée du Louvre

Un dîner d’exception a eu lieu hier à Paris : les 25 ans du Dîner en blanc

9 052 Saatchi Gallery

Saatchi Screen is now displaying 279 entered works, rotating randomly. It has proved popular with visitors, 10.000 of whom saw the display l …

8 188 Saatchi Gallery

American artist Daniel Arsham has captured in this sculpture that feeling we all sometimes get of wanting to melt into the wall.

6 313 Royal Collection Trust

Tomorrow The Queen’s official birthday will be marked with the Trooping the Colour parade. Find out more about the history and traditions of …

6 115 American Latino Museum

El Charro de Oro rocks the national anthem, again! The haters can hate. Patriots are patriots no matter what they wear!

5 640 Saatchi Gallery

Marc Chagall said: “Art seems to me to be a state of soul more than anything else.” Here’s his work The Green Donkey from 1911.

5 021 Saatchi Gallery

What do you think of this new installation by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan featuring 5 taxidermied horses on view at the Fondation Beyel …

4 954 Saatchi Gallery

We’re having a special preview of our new exhibition ‘Paper’ for all our Facebook followers. Come along from Friday-Sunday 10am to 6pm to ha …

4 889 Victoria and Albert Museum

David Bowie is thinking about a world to come Would you like to see our best-selling exhibition in a city near you? The first venue on the …

4 870 Museum of Modern Art

Summer is trying to poke its head out at MoMA! 


Contenus les plus “partagés” sur Twitter

180 Saatchi Gallery

Check out this amazing origami by Nguyen Hung Chong:

166 National Museum of American History

Today in 1752: Ben Franklin famously flies a kite during a thunderstorm. Create your own indoor kite! –

98 Museum of Modern Art

The lives of 10 famous painters visualized in infographic timelines: (via @brainpicker)

84 Victoria and Albert Museum

Would you like more art everywhere? Help @arteverywhereuk convert 1000s of billboards into British masterpieces!

71 Tate

Happy Birthday Maurice Sendak! Here’s a glimpse into his life at his home in New York in our @TateShots film

55 Metropolitan Museum of Art

Happy birthday to Gustave Courbet, born on this day in 1819. Celebrate with his painting “Woman with a Parrot.”

41 Metropolitan Museum of Art

Tomorrow from 6-9 p.m. the Met will offer free admission for the @MuseumMileNYC Festival on Fifth Avenue. #MMF2013

39 Metropolitan Museum of Art

This magnificent anthropomorphic Celtic sword is also one of the best preserved. #arthistory

34 Tate

How can we transform the world by looking at the landscape?

32 Museo del Prado

“Estampas japonesas en el Museo del Prado”. Del 12 de junio al 6 de octubre #estampasjaponesas 

Source: Museum Analytics

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